
Showing posts from March 10, 2019
At 360 we are known for Swift and quality service delivery, our corporate and individual clients can attest to that. We like to share testimonies from clients as soon as they drop. The above testimony is from Bayo Adedeji CEO Dundu Nation. Bayo is one of our biggest solo client who built the Dundu Nation brand from almost nothing into a great business empire growing astronomically. Dundu Nation is now an household name with number branches across major cities in Nigeria. How we got this super client. A company friend based in the US recommended our company to Bayo when he was coming to Nigeria and the rest is history. Let the Dundu begins #branding #media #food #business #empire #dundu #nation


Tips for Successful Event Management The most important thing in having a successful and stress free event, is to contract your event to a reliable event management company. Doing this will relieve you off stress and worries. And also ensure creative Outlook of your event. "You are limited in your creative thought", so as such, an event company with awesome team will definitely had that creativity desired. And if you choose to do it yourself, here are tips to follow: Begin Early. Begin planning as soon as you possibly can. Remain Flexible. Over the course of planning the event, things are going to change. Negotiate. Assign Responsibilities. Create a Shared Document. Have a Backup Plan. Do a Run Through. Photograph Everything. Note: using an Event Planner can be far cheaper than you doing it all by yourself #tips #event #planning